Form-Scaff has been manufacturing and supplying various column box systems to contractors for the last 50 years.
The systems have proven to be versatile and produce high class concrete surface finishes. Form-Scaff is able to produce any shape column boxes to suit the aesthetic and structural requirements of engineers & architects.
Circular Column boxes are available in four standard size diameters and two standard size lengths. Other diameters and lengths may be ordered as sale items only.
Steel faced Square & Rectangular Columns Boxes are available in a range of different sizes and heights. Purpose made sizes may be ordered as sales items only.
ircular Column Boxes are used to form circular concrete columns and the bull-nose ends of concrete columns and walls.Rectangular Column Boxes are used to form square or rectangular shaped concrete columns.
System Features
Quick and easy to assemble and strike.
Easy to plumb.
Components are lightweight and easy to manhandle.
A large variety of shapes & sizes are available.
Walers and soldiers are not required due to the robust built in stiffeners.
Column boxes extend horizontally and/or vertically to suit requirements.
Ties are only required when two or more column box panels are used side-by-side.
Column boxes conform to all South African standards and regulations.
Form-Scaff is a Division of Waco Africa Pty Ltd and a subsidiary of Waco International – a focused equipment rental and industrial services business with operations in Africa and Australasia.